January 26, 2011

Highly anticipated Sunday Pizza Dough!

We've added a couple new static pages to the blog.  I am shamelessly advertising them through a post for those that subscribe. 

Most noteworthy - C finally had some time (and a badgering wife) and wrote up how to make our pizza dough!  If you don't know what his day job is try and guess based on his write-up.  The answer is in the About us page.

If some of the pizza photos make you drool don't just throw in a frozen pizza or call Dominos.  Start your own Sunday Pizza!  You don't have to be all crazy like we are and do it weekly.  You could just make homemade pizza (or even sort of homemade, hello jiffy) once and on Tuesday and it counts in my book.

Finally, interested in knowing what's on the Sunday Pizza Calendar?  Yeppers, I've gone off the deep end completely and embedded a google calendar showing who is coming to pizza or what the theme is for a given Sunday. 

If you want to email with any crazy pizza pictures or in general here's the email!  SundayPizzaBlog@gmail.com

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