Cupcakes. Check. (white cake with white chocolate buttercream frosting from friend, Em's cookbook _Baked_ Thanks Em!) Oh and yum watch for picture of my overfillde yumminess.
Sausage. C cubed the pork shoulder and it is in the freezer. hmmm maybe should take out a little early to thaw some.
Mac and cheese using the recipe from Cozy Kitchen. About to start cooking pasta now. I'm halving the recipe cuz Z and I are on our own with Mac and Cheese. C hates Cheese. Yes, I still married him. Yes, he still loves pizza. He's Captain Light-on-the-cheese. One time a buddy of ours and I got our own pizza with TRIPLE Cheese just to show him. It was actually disgusting. Live and learn. I digress... here's the link and watch for pix
Thank you for the sample(s)! And you're welcome for the loan of the cookbook! Let me think about what other cookbooks I might loan you, if I can get samples....